Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Chapter 9

Flora was sitting on the couch with her arms crossed over her chest watching the television when Andrew came out of the bedroom.

“What are you watching?” Andrew asked as he sat down next to her.

Flora didn’t respond.


Flora grabbed the remote from the table, switched the television off and turned towards Andrew.  “Do you realize I’ve been sitting out her by myself for twenty minutes while you were chatting away?”

“I’m sorry,” Andrew said.  “It was an important call.”

“Was it work?” she asked.

“No, not really.”

Flora got up and put on her jacket.

“Where are you going?  You don’t have to leave for another half hour.”

“Who were you talking to?” Flora asked.

“A friend.”

“Which friend?”

“Bob, from work,” Andrew lied.  “He thinks his wife is having an affair.”

Flora glared at him, trying to determine if he was telling the truth.  “Don’t you ever, ever do that to me again.”

“Why are you getting so update?” Andrew asked.  “It was just a phone call.”

“Do you realize how are it was for me to get out of the house tonight, just to be with you for an hour?  We have such little time together.”

“I’m sorry,” Andrew said, annoyed at her annoyance.  “I promise it won’t happen again.”

Later that night, after Flora has left, his annoyance still lingered as he tried to remember why he had fallen in love with her in the first place.  There had been that strong attraction at the beginning but not all Andrew felt was complacency.  His relationship with Flora was the longest he’d ever had with a woman and he wasn’t sure if every relationship eventually felt this way or if it only this one.  Andrew did know that he was tired of working around Flora’s schedule.

Andrew tossed in bed and realized he didn’t know much about Flora’s life when she wasn’t with him.  And she didn’t know much about his life either.  He’d never introduced her to his family; they didn’t even know she existed.  After four years Andrew was just plain tired.  He began to wonder if he wanted to keep things going with Flora.

Unable to sleep Andrew got up at two o’clock and turned on the television.  But after flipping through the channels for a few minutes he turned it off.  It was time for him to make a decision and this time he wasn’t going to let Flora change his mind.  It was over.  She had to feel it too.  There were no more sparks, no more passion, no more interest.  Surely she’d want to move on just like he did.

In the morning Andrew called Flora and said it was important that he’d see her as soon as possible.  They arranged to meet in Hyde Park at two o’clock the next afternoon.  Andrew felt confident that Flora would see things the way he did, it wasn’t working out anymore.  He was sure they could end it all amiably with no yelling and no tears.

* * *
Andrew took the Underground to Hyde Park Corner where Flora was already waiting for him at Aspley Gate.

“This better be important,” Flora said.  “I need to pick up Matthew at school in an hour.”

They walked along Serpentine Road in silence for a few moments then Andrew said, “Flora, I think it’s time to end things between us.”

Flora stopped walking.  “End it?”

“You must have noticed that we aren’t the same anymore,” Andrew said.   “You can’t honestly say you feel the same way about me that you did four years ago.”

Flora continued walking and Andrew followed.  “I suppose not.”

“I think we’ve both changed.”

“Do you still love me Andrew?” Flora asked.

They stopped at a bench and sat down.  “I don’t think I do.”


“Oh Flora, I’m tired of it all.  Aren’t you?  I mean we’ve been sneaking around for four years now.  These people who go on having affairs for 10, 20 years, I don’t know how they do it.”

“They do it because they are in love,” Flora said.

“But we aren’t in love anymore, are we?” Andrew asked.  “I don’t think you love anymore either.”

Flora was silent for a moment before saying, “Yes, you may be right.  What do you think happened to us?”

This time Andrew was silent.

“There was a time I didn’t think I could live without you,” Flora said.  “Life with Ian was just so miserable.  Btu now, I think I’ve grown accustomed to the fact that Ian and I are in a loveless marriage.”

“I’m sorry things couldn’t be different,” Andrew said.

“So am I.  But I have Matthew and I’ll survive.”

The watched the people in the park.  Japanese tourists looking through their guidebooks and pointing at unseen things, a mother pushing a stroller with a sleeping baby, a young couple holding hands and walking slowly, a group of teenagers in their school uniform, all enjoying the day.  Andrew and Flora watched the world move around them even as they knew their world together was ending.

“So this is it then?” Flora asked.

“I suppose so.”

Flora got up and kissed Andrew on the cheek.  “Goodbye, Andrew.”

He watched her walk back towards Aspley Gate.  He felt no sadness.  He knew he had done the right thing.  He immediately pulled out his cell phone and called Millicent.

* * *

Millicent put the finishing touches on her makeup as she waited for Andrew.  She and Betsy had spent almost every free moment shopping for the perfect dress before Millicent decided on a midnight blue tea dress.  It wasn’t a designer dress but Millicent felt stylist and sophisticated in it.  She also bought a wrap, a clutch purse and strappy heals, all in silver.  She even wore the shoes for three hours earlier in the day just to break them in.

When she finished her makeup Millicent sat on her bed and waited.  She remembered talking to Andrew and listening to him re-tell his breakup with Flora.  Millicent was surprised how calmly Flora took the news.  Andrew said it was a long time coming and for the best.  He didn’t seem sad or even upset.  Millicent thought back to all the things Andrew had said about Flora that afternoon long ago on the beach in Land’s End.

Millicent’s intercom rang and she buzzed Andrew in.  Minutes later Andrew was at her door.

“You look absolutely amazing.”  Andrew had never seen Millicent look like this before.  She was stunning.  “I am definitely going to have to keep you close tonight.”

“You don’t look half bad yourself,” Millicent said.

“I clean up rather nicely, don’t I?” Andrew said, showing off his black Dolce & Gabbana suit.  “I have a car waiting downstairs.  Are you ready?”

When they got down to the street Millicent was stunned to see a limousine.

“I though you said you had a car waiting,” she said.

“What do you think this is?”

“This isn’t a car, it’s a limo.”

“I told you it would be a fancy night.  Get it.”

Inside the limo Andrew and Millicent were like kids going to senior prom, playing with all the gadgets and helping themselves to drinks from the bar.  Andrew even stood on the leather seats and stood up through the moon roof.

“You’re going to kill yourself doing that,” Millicent said, trying to pull him back in.

“Come up,” Andrew said.  “It’s great.”

“Not a chance,” Millicent said.  “It took me almost an hour to get my hair this way.”

The limo dropped them off at the Savoy and Andrew and Millicent made their way to the Lancaster Room.  It was filled with people, all elegantly dressed.  Round tables filled more than half the room and at the other end was a dance floor and a small stage where instruments had been set up.

They found their assigned table.  Each table sat eight people.  At their table were to other couples and two men.  Andrew whispered to Millicent that the men were single but couldn’t get dates.  Millicent recognized the man next to Adam as Bob, one of the drunks from the coffee shop.

Bob introduced himself to Millicent.

“We’ve met,” she said.

“I beg your pardon,” Bob said, “but I’m sure I would have remembered such a lovely woman as yourself.”

“You were a bit pissed when we met,” Millicent said.

Andrew overheard the exchange and laughed.  “Don’t you remember?  You, Hugh and Steve met Millicent at that coffee place the night you all got wasted.”

“No, I don’t remember,” Bob said.

“That’s all right,” Millicent said.  “I’m sure you won’t make an arse of yourself tonight.”

Bob turned away as Andrew laughed.  A man stepped up to the microphone and the room hushed.  The president of the bank welcomed everyone and made a few remarks before dinner was served.  Pillows of smoked salmon with salmon mouse and citrus salsa was served followed by lobster bisque flambéed with Armagnac.  The main course was beef wellington with whipped potatoes and baby carrots, and dessert was a hot raspberry soufflé with raspberry coulis.

“I don’t think I’ve had such a decadent meal in all my life,” Millicent said as the last plate was cleared away.

“They’ve gone all out,” Andrew replied just as the lights dimmed.  A white screen came down from over the stage and a presentation began showing the history of the bank.  When the 15 minute video ended the lights came up and the president recognized some of the employees for their years of services and thanked everyone for coming.  The screen went back up to reveal a band on stage that started playing a rousing version of Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy as server people went out on the dance floor.

“Let’s dance,” Andrew said, taking Millicent’s hand and pulling her to her feet.

“No,” she said, pulling away.  “I don’t know how to dance.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Andrew said, taking her hand again.  “Come on.  Let’s have some fun.”

Millicent reluctantly followed Andrew to the dance floor.  She tried her best to keep up as Andrew sung her around and moved her across the floor.  Millicent laughing so hard she could barely breathe.  She couldn’t ever remember having this much fun in her life.  When the song ended Millicent begged Andrew to stop.  He steered her back to the table and poured some champagne.

“Drink this,” Andrew said, handing her a glass.

Millicent sipped her drink and watched the other couples dancing.

“We’ll wait until they play something slow,” Andrew whispered in her ear.  He too was having a wonderful time as he finished the champagne in his glass and poured himself some more.

A few minutes later a man approached Andrew.  It was Steve, one of the other co-workers from the night at the coffee shop.

“Andrew, how you doing?”

“Just grand Steve.”

“And how did you get this beautiful woman to come with you tonight?” he asked, obviously not recognizing Millicent.

“He paid me,” Millicent said with a straight face.

“Bloody hell,” Steve said, totally shocked.  “Has it come to this?”

“She’s joking,” Andrew said.  “You met Millicent a couple of weeks ago.”

“Oh, right,” Steve said.  “That night with Bob and Hugh.”

“Sorry,” Millicent said.  “I couldn’t help having some fun with you.”

“I like a lady with a sense of humor,” Steve said just as the band began to play Blue Moon.  “Would you care to dance?”

“Well, I . . .,” Millicent stuttered.     

“Come one,” Steve said, pulling Millicent out to the dance floor.  Millicent looked back at Andrew who was just smiling.  She gave him a nasty look.

“I’m afraid I’m not very good,” Millicent said as they started to dance.

“I don’t mind.”

Millicent was able to avoid stepping on Steve’s toes but soon began to feel his hand move slowly down her back and stop on her butt.  It was only a second later that Andrew came to rescue her.

“May I?” he asked.

Steve released Millicent and Andrew led her away.

“How could you let me dance with that leech?” she whispered into his ear.

“It serves you right for telling him I was paying you to be my date,” Andrew whispered back.

“Okay, I deserved that.”

“It was worth the look on his face.”

They danced through the next two songs.  Andrew couldn’t remember the last time he danced with a woman.  He had never danced with Flora.  The last time was probably at his brother’s wedding seven years ago.  He liked the way Millicent felt in his arms and he liked the way she smelled, like fresh roses.  It made him think of the garden at Wainwright Manor.

Millicent has never danced with a man before.  Not even her own brother at his wedding.  It was a new experience for her and she liked it.  She liked the way Andrew’s arm felt around her waist and the way he guided her around the floor.  She felt safe and protected.  Every so often he would hum to the music.  Millicent closed her eyes and gently placed her hand on Andrew’s neck.

When the band stopped and announce they were taking a break, Millicent and Andrew went back to their table.

“More champagne?” Andrew asked.

“I think I’ve had enough,” Millicent said.  “I’m feeling a little light-headed.”

“Do you want to stay or are you ready to go?”

“I think I’ve had enough,” Millicent said.  “Unless you want to stay?”

“No.  Let me say some goodbyes and call for the limo,” Andrew said.  “I’ll meet you in the lobby.”

“Did you have fun tonight?” Andrew asked when they were in the limo.

“Yes,” Millicent said, resting her head on his shoulder.  “Did you?”

Andrew kissed the top of her head.  “Yes.  Thank you for coming with me.”

Millicent looked up at him and smiled.  “You’re welcome.”

When the limo pulled up to Millicent’s building she asked Andrew in for tea.  Andrew put his arms around her waist and began humming Blue Moon as she unlocked her door.  He followed her into the kitchen as she put on the kettle of water and got two mugs from the cupboard.

“Why don’t you go into the other room and get comfortable,” she said, putting tea bags into the mugs.  “I’ll be right in.”

Andrew went into the living room, took off his jacket and tie and sat on the sofa.

As Millicent waited for the water to boil she picked up her phone and quickly check her messages.  There was only one.  It was from Sophie.

“Millicent, you have to call me as soon as you get this message.  It’s urgent.”

Millicent immediately dialed the number to the manor and Sophie answered.

“What happened?” Millicent asked, picking up one of the mugs.

Sophie started sobbing.  “There’s been an accident.  John’s been in an accident.  He’s dead.”

Millicent dropped the mug and it crashed to the floor, smashing into pieces.

“Millicent?” Andrew called from the living room.

“No,” Millicent cried.  “No!”

Andrew came into the kitchen.  “What is it?”

Millicent sank to the floor as Andrew took the phone from her.  “Hello?”

“Hello?  Who is this?” Sophie asked.


“Oh, thank God Millicent isn’t alone.”

“What’s happened?”

“John’s been killed in a car crash.”

* * *

After getting the details of what happened Andrew promised Sophie he’d get Millicent to Land’s End the following afternoon.  After hanging up Andrew sat with Millicent on the kitchen floor and let her cry.  When she was close to exhaustion he picked her up and carried her into the bedroom.  He laid her gently on the bed and was about to leave when she grabbed his hand and said, “Please, don’t go.”

“I won’t,” Andrew said.  He took off his shoes, laid down next to her and held her until they both fell asleep.

The next morning Andrew woke early.  While Millicent was still asleep he went into the kitchen, cleaned up the pieces of broken mug and made coffee.  A few minutes later Millicent appeared.  She had changed out of her dress and into sweat pants and a T-shirt.  She’d combed her hair and washed her face but her eyes were still swollen from crying.  Andrew pulled her into his arms.

“I’m so sorry,” he said, leading her to a chair and getting her a cup of coffee.

“Thank you for staying with me last night,” she said.  “What did Sophie tell you?”

“Not much,” Andrew said, joining her at the table.  “John had been driving back from Penzance and there was a heavy fog.  Apparently a bus didn’t see him as it drove through an intersection.”

“Oh God,” Millicent said, unable to hold back tears.  It was all too similar to what had happened to her.

“I told Sophie we’d be there this afternoon.”

“You’ll come with me?”

“Of course.  That is, if you want me to.”

“Yes,” Millicent said.  “I do.”

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