Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Chapter 3

The next morning Millicent went down to breakfast to find only John there. She started to tell him what happened. He stopped her and said Andrew had explained everything to him.

“I’m so sorry,” Millicent cried.

John went over to hug her. “I’m just glad you’re all right.”

“I ruined everything. I didn’t mean too. I don’t want you to worry about me. I just…"
“Shhh, I know. Everything will be fine. But now you need to eat,” John said, pulling out a chair for her.

Andrew had started to enter the dining room after Millicent but decided not to. He overheard the conversation and felt such sorrow for Millicent, something he’d never felt before. He couldn’t even image going through what she had and wondered how people could be so mean and heartless. Andrew had never felt that type of rejection in his life.

* * *

That night Andrew went to dinner to find a pretty blond woman sitting next to John. She looked up as Andrew entered the dining room and he was taken aback by her piercing blue eyes and dazzling smile.

“Andrew, this is my girlfriend, Sophie,” John said.

Sophie rose from her chair and extended her hand to Andrew. “It’s so nice to finally meet you. John told me how much you’ve helped him these last few weeks.”

“It’s nice to meet you as well,” Andrew said, taking her hand. He took a seat and noticed Millicent had come in unseen.

“Millicent,” Sophie said, “don’t let me leave without giving you that book you ordered last week. I brought it with me tonight.”

The Kents had moved on and new guests had arrived in their place. A young couple from Rome, Fiona and Gianni Moretti were on their honeymoon, touring Great Britain.

As dinner was served, Sophie asked Andrew his impressions of Land’s End. He said it was beautiful and the Moriettis agreed. Andrew gave them some restaurant recommendations for when they visited Oxford. Millicent watch quietly, envious of how easily Sophie could join in a conversation, telling stories of tourist who came into her book store during the summer. Andrew laughed as Sophie described how she convinced a group of Japanese tourist that the local hotel they were staying at was haunted.

“Sophie, you are awful,” John said.

“I was just having a little fun. No harm done,” Sophie said noticing the quick glances Millicent was giving Andrew. “I even got them to buy a guide book about local ancient ruins.”

“She’s quite a saleswoman, my Sophie,” John said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“I’m glad I’m not a tourist in your shop,” Andrew teased.

“Millicent knows a lot about the ruins around here,” Sophie told the Morettis, hoping to draw her into the conversation. “Maybe she could take you on a tour.”

Sophie had hoped Millicent would describing the remains of Dougherty Castle, a favorite spot of hers, but instead she just blushed and stared down at her plate, not saying a word.

Fiona and Gianni looked at each other, trying to figure out a polite way to decline the offer, if it ever came.

“I’d like that,” Andrew said, wanting to ease Millicent’s discomfort. Millicent looked up at him and smiled.

After coffee Sophie took Millicent into the library where she gave her the book she’d brought.

“Andrew seems nice,” Sophie said.

“Yes, he is,” Millicent said, examining the back of the book. She was sure John had told Sophie what had happened in Oxford.

“John thought you might have a slight crush on him.”

Millicent’s face turned red. “John told you that?”

“Before you came down to dinner.”

“No,” Millicent said as defensively as possible. “I don’t have a crush on Andrew. Don’t be ridiculous.”

“It’s okay to like Andrew,” Sophie said.

“Did John tell you he has a girlfriend back in Oxford?”

“He did mention that.”

“Okay then.”

“Millicent, come sit down,” Sophie said. Millicent picked an oversize chair and pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs. Sophie sat in a chair opposite her. “Andrew is a nice guy. It’s good that you are friends. That’s what I meant when I said it was okay to like him.”

“I can’t have any expectations,” Millicent said, more to convince herself than Sophie.

“Millicent, you can’t go through life not wanting things, not feeling things. Life is all about feeling happiness and pain. Don’t you think you should allow yourself to be happy after all the pain you’ve already endured?” Sophie asked.

“But how can I be sure I don’t end up with more pain?”

“You can’t. You have to take a chance. That’s what life is all about, taking chances. Sometimes it doesn’t work out, but when it does the happiness is the best feeling in the world.”

“That’s easy for you to say,” Millicent said getting up and walking around the library. “The world is kind to beautiful people.”

“When are you going to except the fact that there’s more to beauty than what is on the outside?” Millicent stifled a laugh but Sophie continued. “Good looks don’t last but what’s on the inside does. I’m sure Andrew can see that beauty in you.”

“You honestly think Andrew can see past this ugly, scared face?”

“Yes, I think he can. Take a chance and let him get to know you. He might turn out to be a really good friend.”

* * *

A little while later Millicent found Andrew in John’s office.

“Did you talk to John this morning?” Andrew asked.

“Yes, but he said you already told him everything.”

“I didn’t mean to but he was extremely worried about you.”

“It’s okay. I just wanted to apologize to you again. I’m sure you never expected to have to deal with all this drama when you came here.”

“There really isn’t any need. . . ,” Andrew said.

“I really feel terrible about everything,” Millicent said. “And I would like to make it up to you, if you’ll let me.”

“You really don’t have to.”

“I want to. I want to help you, here in the office. Any way I can. I can type or make copies or fax things, whatever you need,” Millicent said.

“Well, okay,” Andrew said a little reluctantly. “I do have a spreadsheet that needs to be worked on.”

* * *

Over the next few weeks Millicent was everywhere Andrew was, at meals, in the library and in the office. Andrew had to admit that at first Millicent had been helpful but when he didn’t have anything for her to do she still lingered. She made sure she sat next to him at meals and one night even brought tea up to his room after he had retired for the night. It was starting to make him feel uncomfortable.

“She probably has a school-girl crush on you,” Flora said one night.

“God, I hope not,” Andrew said. “This assignment has been tough enough without having to deal with that.”

“Is there any way you can have her help somewhere else? Like run errands or work in a different part of the manor?” Flora asked.

“Maybe. I know she felt back about the trip to Oxford but I really don’t need that much help. I don’t know how to tell her without hurting her feelings.”

“Just be honest with her darling.”

“I think this is the first time in a long time that she’s felt useful. That she has a reason to get up in the morning. John mentioned again the other day how much her health has improved. She’s been to every meal. I don’t want to ruin that.”

“Andrew, I told you when you first got there that it wasn’t your responsibility to take care of Millicent. You job is finances, remember that.”

“I know, you’re right.”

“Now, when will you be back to see me? I miss you.”

"Maybe I can get back the weekend after next. Would that work for you?”

“I’ll have to check Ian’s schedule,” Flora said.

“Don’t you get tired of this sometimes?” Andrew asked.

“Tired of what?”

“Having to sneak around.”

“If that’s the only way I can see you, I don’t mind.”

“But are you happy?” Andrew asked.

“I am when I’m with you.”

“But what about the rest of the time?”

“I manage. What is this all about?” Flora asked.

“You know I’ve never said anything to you about this before, but you have ever thought about leaving Ian?”

“Actually, I have,” Flora said, “but I can’t. You know I love Matthew and couldn’t do that to him.”

“We could work something out,” Andrew said. “I bet over half the kids in his school have divorced parents or remarried parents with half siblings and step siblings.”

“There more to it than that,” Flora said.

“What? What could be more important?”

Flora hesitated for a moment. “Don’t think me cold for saying this, but money.”

“Money?” Andrew asked in disbelief.

“Yes,” Flora said defensively. “I have none. I totally rely on Ian for everything.”

“I make pretty good money,” Andrew said. “We would manage.”

“But not in the lifestyle I have now,” Flora said. “I have to think of Matthew.”

“Are you sure you’re not just thinking of yourself?”

“Andrew! I can’t believe you just said that.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t know how long we can keep going on like this.”

“Things were fine before you went to Land’s End,” Flora said. “I don’t understand what has changed.”

“Nothing really,” Andrew said. “Maybe it’s me.”

“Andrew, I love you,” Flora said. “That’s what I can give you. Do you love me?”


“Then let’s not discuss this any further. Will you all me to let me know when you’re coming home?”

“I will.”

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